Thursday, October 9, 2008

Protesting Biden

(photo to come)
We went to campus early this morning to protest the visit of Sen. Joe Biden. He is Catholic, but that doesn't mean he agrees or practices what the Church holds as eternal truths. Good thing he didn't come early enough to attend daily mass - he would have been denied Communion at our parish.
There were 30+ of us, quietly standing in the roped off area being "patrolled" by multiple security guards. They kept telling us to remain respectful, which we already were. Several Democrats, however, were not respectful to us. They said, "Your shirt is stupid." and "Your sign is stupid." and "Ha, Ha, Ha!" Very intelligent. Democracy is supposed to be about educating yourself on issues and debating or discussing them with others until the vote is taken. It's not a popularity contest or a junior high playground for picking stupid/emotional fights.

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