Saturday, April 3, 2010

American Girls Tea Party

Our final event during the Sesquicentennial was an afternoon tea party for American Girls. It was so much better than I anticipated! Lots of girls and dolls and moms showed up--including my Pastor's Wife friend, her daughter, and granddaughter. Our tea table was spread with a pink tulip cloth and laden with four kinds of cookies, mini quiche, truffles, and sweet potato biscuits (can you guess where those came from?). The local doll club members brought calico shawls for everyone's doll. Best of all, our special speaker was Cheryl Harness, author of several children's history books including "They're Off" about the Pony Express. She told how she researched the guns and horses in her watercolor illustrations for the book. And she talked about becoming a writer and what she does every day. Then she had everyone join in the song she wrote for this important day, sung to the tune of "I Ride an Old Paint." Lastly, she played the refrain on her pioneer harmonica. It gave me goosebumps! Cheryl is a former Hallmark Cards artist who lives in nearby Independence, Missouri, and we have seen her at various book fairs before. But today she was glorious in her stories and funny remarks. History should always be this fun!

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