Sunday, September 14, 2008

Letter to the Editor

I was published in the National Catholic Register:
Dear Editor,
I read the "shallow" review of the Henry Poole movie and was disappointed in Steven Greydanus’ assessment. He wanted the move to be more philosophical?! More satisfyingly engaging of the vagaries of life?! Unlike modern Hollywood productions which curse loudly and aren’t ashamed to tell all, this movie requires you to think for yourself. The beauty of this movie is its truly catholic treatment of Henry’s life in Anytown. Henry has been notified of a terminal illness and wants to wallow in depression and self-pity, but his conscience is being pricked by his religious neighbors. It is both laughable and sorrowful to watch him wrestle with his emotions and the workings of Providence in his life. The main characters even have names like Esperanza (which means "hope" in Spanish), Dawn, and Patience. Esperanza is a beautiful Catholic woman who cares about Henry’s humanity and, more importantly, cares for his eternal soul. Her parish priest even manages to say all the right things about the apparition on Henry’s house. I was eager to recommend this movie to my friends because there was no priest-bashing or anti-Catholic rhetoric, and I'll continue to do so.
My Name, Member of St. James Catholic Church and subscriber for 2 years

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