Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Morning Glory in Massachusetts

Of course, we listened to the radio reports all the way home from Snow Creek last night--enjoying the early victory of Scott Brown as the newest Senator from Massachusetts! I suspect that it might have been working Catholic Democrats who helped swing his 5-point lead over Martha Coakley. Obviously, she is not related to Bishop Paul Coakley out in Kansas. He is not confused about the Faithful being allowed to work in hospitals and retain their freedom of conscience. But Martha showed her true colors recently when she told an interviewer that: "You can have religious freedom but you probably shouldn’t work in the emergency room." This is one of my main concerns about Obamacare: that American taxpayers will pay for abortion-on-demand. And my brother who is an Ob-Gyn could have his practice ruined by such federal practices. Yet along came a mid-term election where registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans 3-to-1--and Brown was chosen! I'm so please the Democrats will no longer have a 60-seat majority in the US Senate.

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