Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Message of True Love for Valentine's Day

Last Sunday, I used the approaching Valentine's Day to talk about Chastity with my junior high youth group.  It was a counter-cultural presentation, but I was pleased how receptive they were.  Some of the Catholic cliques were included with my comments, but I figure teens should hear them early and often.  And I made a good joke about texting BF and GF, which really means Best Friend and Good Friend!?  Here's my outline:
CH--stands for Chosen by God for someone special and a wonderful life;
A--Ask God what vocation He wants for you;
S--Save yourself for marriage;
T--Trust that God will give you supportive friends;
I--It's a Bible truth;
T--Tenderness is still allowed in true friendships, just as Christ first loved us;
Y--say "YES" to living in Chastity!

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