Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kansas Abortions and Doctor's Conscience

I must comment on the doctors in the news lately. George Tiller, the infamous Wichita abortionist, was acquitted last Friday of 19 charges related to late-term abortions. Pity about the loop-holes. Tiller estimated that he performed 250 to 300 late-term abortions in 2003, each costing an average of $6,000. Out of his millions, he paid $300 in cash to Dr. Ann Kristin Neuhaus if she would provide a second opinion that these were "necessary" for the women's health. Tiller said he is one of only three doctors in the U.S. who currently perform late-term abortions. The others are in Boulder, Colo., and Los Angeles, he said. Sad situation in my home state, and we continue to pray for an end abortion.

On the national level, you may voice your opinion until April 9 on the proposed rescission of the doctor's conscience clause. One form can be found here to email HHS. suggests emailing directly. Since my brother has a pro-life Ob-Gyn practice, this hits close to home. If doctors do not have the rights of conscience, then neither will their patients.

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