Friday, June 5, 2009

Homeschooling with Humor

Andrew Pudewa is a great speaker - and writer. He is a homeschool dad whose company teaches writing excellence (IEW). This is the 3rd year in a row I've heard him at a conference: Minnesota, Wichita, and now Kansas City. But he changes the talks and adds to them, so it's always delightful! "Life is a battle, but we know who wins in the end." and "Kill your TV." Meggar was laughing when he said homeschoolers need large families because they experiment so much with the first child. :-) She also knows about truth and beauty. Pudewa said: "The goal of faith is inform education, and the goal of education is to inform the culture. See how everything is a trinity? ...But if the public schools teach relativism they miss out on the true, the good, and the beautiful."

The "Fiddlers Three" provided some dinner entertainment for the KC Catholic Homeschool Conference tonight. Gr. Elizabeth came to listen. Meggar did free rosary repairs on 14 beautiful pieces - and played football in between. Wife volunteered to bring the continental breakfast tomorrow for approx. 200 moms. That's a lot of coffee!

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