Saturday, June 20, 2009

Saturday Departures

6:30 a.m.--Captain and the 3 boys flew up to Minnesota for hockey practice in our Cessna 182.

10:30 a.m. --Breakfast for the Totus Tuus girls from a new Mexican bakery in town. I will want to learn the names of all the pastries we sampled. Everyone raved about the one with cream cheese filling. They have been an easy group to host.

3:30 p.m.--Meggar, Domitille, and I pause our road trip and have a late lunch in Omaha at the Old Market. Fun shopping there, too. I found something in the nostalgic candy shoppe for my dad for Father's Day.

7:30 p.m.--Arrived in Des Moines and enjoyed a hotel movie before bedtime. "Forest Gump" is one that you don't mind watching again and again.

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