Thursday, August 30, 2012

Republicans Make Speeches

We have been watching the Republican National Convention via live streaming on the Internet all three nights this week. We heard the most important ones: Ann Romney, Mike Huckabee, Condoleezza Rice, Paul Ryan, and tonight Mitt Romney will speak. Dorito is very interested, although he will not be 18 by November in order to vote. Captain has read more news than I have, so he is able to add important context to our discussions. From what I heard, I liked the philosophies, the plans for the future, the respectful approach, and these one-liners:
"This isn't a battle about contraceptives and Catholics, but of conscience and the Creator," said Huckabee;
"Indeed that is the question of the moment, 'Where does America stand?' said Rice;
"... I can look at your zip code and can tell whether you are going to get a good education," said Rice;
"What did taxpayers get out of the Obama stimulus? More debt.  That money wasn't just spent and wasted, it was
borrowed, spent and wasted," Ryan said.

"Mitt and I go to different churches. Our faiths come together in the same moral creed," Ryan said.

"And let me make this clear.  Unlike President Obama, I will not raise taxes on the middle class of America," said Romney.

"As president, I'll respect the sanctity of life.  I'll honor the institution of marriage. And I will guarantee America's first liberty, the freedom of religion," Romney said.

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