Friday, May 10, 2013

Busy Days

This week, we spent time with family and graduates -- six parties in all, including Connor Schmidling (a future K-Stater).
Then there were also three shows for "The Fiddlers Three" including the Altar Society Mother-Daughter Supper at St. James, the Kendallwood Hospice Memorial Service, and the YWCA Women of Excellence Reception (where we saw honorees Molly, Holly, Sydney, and Kappy.)
Winger worked pretty hard at physical therapy, extending his injured/bent elbow from 38' to 22' to 12' to 8' on just one week. He was thrilled to return to hockey practice and go full out.
Lastly, the twins and I taught Pony School for 22 homeschoolers from Mound City all day today.


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