Monday, February 17, 2014

What's Left on President's Day

The score never tells the full story. Losing 3-5 this morning was the best hockey Captain said he has ever seen. Thunder went down 0-3 in first period. Next they came back and scored three goals in a row during the second period. Then it was an exhiliarating third period, especially when Thunder managed to kill off a 5-minute major penalty. The final points came in the final minutes, but when the other team pats you on the back, then you know there was a lot of heart shown on the ice. How nice to see mutual respect after a good match-up. There is not much left to the hockey season... Which is always a bittersweet realization by a group of guys who really pulled together as a team! And this group of parents are the most compassiionate I have ever met.

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