Saturday, January 5, 2013

Conclave Meeting

The Tribe of Mic-o-Say held its Winter Conclave all day on Saturday with a Hollywood theme "Planet Mic-o-Say." The twins attended Brave Block and received a beading loom from the Council Elders. Then there were games and costume workshops. Best of all were the Dance Competitions during the afternoon. Polar Bear and Winger did well, which they credit to having new dance shirts with fancy ribbons hanging off the shoulders. They purchased these with gift money from their recent Eagle Scout award ceremony.
Polar Bear won first in the Braves Fancy Dance and got an Oscar trophy. He also won second place in Braves Fancy Costume. Winger won third place in Braves Fancy Dance. Dorito participated in both but was more focused on the scholarship contest. The three winners chosen were college upperclassmen rather than entering freshmen. So, he can try again next year.

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