Saturday, March 9, 2013

Fruit of the Spirit #9

(Confirmation Prep) -- Faithfulness
We know the importance of loyalty in many situations: with friends, with sports teams, with coaches -- even when the people on the other side of an issue may not "deserve" your loyalty. But in a GREATER way, we are called to stand faithfully by our Catholic doctrine -- in our faith, hope, and love for God -- no matter what.
1 Samuel 12:24--“Only fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what great things he has done for you.”  
We see throughout the Old Testament how God was faithful to the Hebrew people and renewed his covenant again and again with them. Those old stories tell us the great things He did for them to show they were the Chosen People! In a similar way, God has done great things for Christians through the ages, which we read about in saint stories. And he has blessed our own family with miracles. I know you will continue to serve God and see what blessings he brings to you!
The flip side of faithfulness is being ready to Evangelize. We walked door-to-door this year so you know what that is like. It is important to talk proudly about your Catholic lifestyle to other people/friends. Believe me, people notice when you go to mass on hockey weekends. Plus the world is interested to know the details of our Catholic culture, especially this month as the cardinals meet in Conclave to elect a new Pope! All the rituals, vestments, songs, and liturgical seasons enrich our life and keep us in closer relationship with Jesus. Remember it's not only by the things you say when you talk about church, but by your living example that you can evangelize our American society, who has wandered far away from Christ. Being confirmed means you are making a firm choice to remain Faithful all your life.

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