Monday, March 11, 2013

Last Day - Lost & Found

After some songs on the piano,

we made a short visit to the hangar to see all of Captain's fleet. Meggar was heading to KC for a piano lesson with her former teacher and to visit Melanie, who's in the hospital awaiting more test results. Then we got ready to say our good-byes to Uncle Clint and Aunt Kathryn and little Ana (who even slept in the toddler bed we placed in her parent's room). But Kathryn couldn't find her wallet and I.D. First, we turned the car inside out and checked all over the house. Then we started calling the restaurant and church to see if it was in lost and found. We had finally given up and they were closing the door to the van when Meggar noticed she and Kathryn have the exact same trench coat from Old Navy, and she had grabbed the wrong one. Sure enough, the one in the closet had the wallet in its pocket. Still made it to the airport on time!

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