Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's Bastille Day

and I'm free to be French! The celebration of France's Independence is not as widely known in the Missouri territory, as one would imagine. ... But since our land was first "owned" by the French, I feel justified in having a fete of some sort. This year, I again made Madeline cookies and with my new tins, the process went faster than before. They are like British shortbread or English pound cake--really the ingredients of ice cream plus a timid amount of flour--baked into shell-shaped delicacies. They sit nicely in my new silver stand, whose antique qualities captured my attention at the Brookside sidewalk sale last wekeend. And Jennie is coming over to enjoy my cookies and promises to bring French champagne. She is the closest thing to an exPat, having studied a year in Paris. She wants to see Meggar's pictures and talk about our trip.

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