Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Free Time

I actually have some free time this weekend because the boys are off with Captain at a hockey tournament. 
First, I worked on rosary repairs.  I volunteer this service by leaving a little basket at the Adoration Chapel and at our parish.  About 6-8 old treasures are deposited each month, and I mend their broken pieces and sections.  It's a wonder to see all the types, styles, and colors.  Prayer beads are so important, especially as they add a tactile memory to our encounters with God.
Secondly, I invited friends to a scrapbooking tea.  But we made beaded bracelets instead.  A little jewelry is a good heart healer, and one of my friends is going through a separation.
Thirdly, I rearranged the sidebar of my blog and wrote another movie review for a family blog.  I have a soft spot for movies with violin music.

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