Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy on Mother's Day

Look like twins? Like sisters? Me and my daughter on Mother's Day! I was pleased how Grandma Judy's sweater matched my spring-time dress with a pretty Easter bonnet. Megan was going to wear her pink hat, but decided she preferred her blue dress this week. My goal is to wear a hat every Sunday in May.
After church, we treated ourselves to ham, egg, and Brie crepes.  Haven't tried them since Aliette cooked for us in Paris. I found this recipe site helpful and I rolled them instead of squares or triangle-folds. Dorito was more interested in a strawberry crepe.
Did I mention that I had four flats of strawberries flown in from California yesterday? Captain has a favorite roadside stand, and now I'm looking at 48 pints of big, red-right-through, juicy super fruits. Plenty for shortcake this week and next. Some in the freezer to capture the flavor of sunshine. Some into jam perhaps?

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