Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mosaics of Mary for Art Co-op

Our last homeschool co-op started with potluck lunch (yummy) and ended with a pinata (fun).  My art project for students was to create a mosaic of the Blessed Mother during her special month of May.

My inspiration came from the mosaics which are beautifully pictured in a poetry book given to me by Aunt Barbara and are found in the Clyde Monastery. Those Missouri nuns are known for baking Communion wafers and for their relic chapel.

All the kids started off very enthusiastically cutting and gluing squares, but after half-an-hour they complained, "This is hard to finish" and "It doesn't look very good." But I assured them that art appreciation is partly about experiencing different mediums and partly about recognizing how hard the gifted artists did work to make their masterpieces.

Here is Winger's mosaic.
 Here is Dorito's mosaic. (Polar Bear's mosaic is not finished yet.)

Picking up candies.

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